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Corporate governance

Our governance structure is designed to optimise operations and reach strategic targets across the group while staying close to the customer and local markets.

Our governance

Efficient management is crucial for reaching our long-term objectives. At AddSecure, the Board of Directors, the CEO, and the Corporate Management Team hold central functions. Business Presidents are responsible for attaining objectives set within each business unit. Chief Officers are responsible for managing cross-vertical organisational support and development, using the Corporate Governance Team as a platform for alignment.

ISO certifications and management systems

AddSecure’s management system is certified according to the ISO 9001, 14001 and 27001 standards. We are committed to continuously improving the security and quality of our products, our customer relations, our environmental impact, and ourselves. We comply with applicable laws and regulations pertaining to our business. The management system encompasses all our activities and attests that our processes and common practices meet international standards. 

The scope is detailed in each certificate. 

Policies and guidelines

The purpose of our Sustainability Policy is to provide a framework for how we integrate sustainability in all our business functions. It states the basic and common view within AddSecure on matters of environmental and social impact and the management thereof.

At AddSecure, we’re committed to acting with integrity. Our Code of Conduct commit us to comply with the rules and regulations of each country in which we operate, and we do not accept any form of corruption or discrimination.

Respect for human rights, fair and safe working conditions, and ethically and environmentally sound business practices are core to us. We expect the same from our business partners and suppliers. AddSecure’s Business Partner Code of Conduct specifies minimum requirements and expectations that our suppliers, third party intermediaries and other business partners must comply with when doing business with us.


Any questions about our corporate governance? Please let us know!



Johanna Giorgi
Chief Sustainability Officer
[email protected]
Phone: +46 8 685 15 00


For a safer and smarter world

We provide secure IoT connectivity and end-to-end solutions. This way, we help transform society and make the connected world a safer and smarter place.