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Code of Conduct

December 2024

How we do business at AddSecure

Our Code of Conduct set out guidance on how we at AddSecure do business and what is expected of our employees. The Code applies to everyone working at AddSecure, whether as an employee, consultant, board member or part of the group management.

The Code is supplemented by the AddSecure Business Partner Code of Conduct that specifies minimum requirements and expectations that our suppliers, third party intermediaries and other business partners must comply with when doing business with us.

We operate within the framework of applicable laws and international conventions

At AddSecure we comply with the relevant rules governing competition, environmental and labor legislation or any other requirements/regulations specified for AddSecure. Our Code of Conduct is based on the core principles of the UN Global Compact and its underlying conventions and declarations within the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption.

We take personal responsibility and we speak up

AddSecure’s employees take personal responsibility for their actions. All employees are obliged to inform their immediate manager about conditions that conflict with this Code.

Employees experiencing any concerns in relation to the Code can signal this by:

  • Talking to his or her manager
  • Talking to the relevant function (People & Culture, Finance, Sustainability or Marketing & Communication)
  • Reporting anonymously by using the Whistleblowing system available at addsecuregroup.com, addsecure.com, and all local AddSecure domains.

We offer safe and fair working conditions

We are committed to provide a safe working environment for all our employees. We ensure that compensation paid to workers complies with all applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. Freedom of association and the right to collective negotiations and agreements apply at AddSecure. Employees are encouraged to openly communicate and share ideas and concerns with management regarding working conditions and management practices.

Child labour or forced or compulsory labour is not permitted. The minimum age for employment is the age for completing compulsory schooling. Exceptions can be made for holiday jobs and short-term employment. The minimum age is always 15 years.

We are committed to a workforce free of harassment and unlawful discrimination

We promote equal treatment and opportunities for all. We do not accept any form of discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, age, sexual preferences or other distinguishing characteristics.

We believe in diversity

AddSecure is an international company and we strive to make the most of our differences. We believe that diversity fosters innovation by pushing us to look at things from different perspectives. We actively look to increase the level of diversity in our workforce on all levels in terms of gender, age, nationality and ethnical background.

We take responsibility for our impact on people and planet

Data and connected devices (Internet of Things) will reshape the way we produce, consume and live. By offering secure IoT connectivity and end-to-end solutions, AddSecure has an opportunity and great responsibility to contribute to the connected society’s sustainable transformation. Accordingly;

  • We strive to develop and offer products and services that contribute to the sustainable development of society.
  • We understand that secure information and data management is key to deliver on the potential of our products. We see information security as the joint responsibility of all employees.
  • We strive to continuously improve the environmental performance of our products.
  • We work to continuously reduce the negative impact of our own operations.
  • We work with clear and measurable objectives which are reported on in a transparent way.

We have zero tolerance for corruption in any form

AddSecure operates a ‘zero tolerance’ policy towards fraudulent, dishonest or deceptive behavior and condemns corruption in all its forms.

At AddSecure we do not:

  • use bribes or other forms of rewards to arrange business transactions with customers, suppliers or any other parties;
  • accept unwarranted gifts, rewards or trips from other parties that could, or could be perceived to, influence the objectivity of a procurement decision.

More detailed guidelines on gifts and relations with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders are set out in the AddSecure Anti-Corruption Guideline.

Follow-up and compliance

Each manager is responsible for informing employees about this Code and ensuring it is followed. Employees are to receive recurring corporate trainings on the Code to ensure that the Code is known and understood throughout the organization.

Employees that do not comply with the Code may be subject to legal action.

The AddSecure Code of Conduct is approved by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for implementation and compliance. The Code is annually reviewed in the Corporate Management Team in connection to the annual report.